SOTA's Photo Lab

SOTA Home Page Photo Lab My Photos Blog

These are our days...

heavy days... sleepless nights...groups...Pedretti & Umphred?

Have pictures you would like to share?

Let us know... by email or dropping them off in the CCB SOTA box... Thx ... SOTA :)


North Coast Splinting Workshop
(Jessi and Bright)

Let's See What This Stuff Can Do

Now Everyone... Strrretch!

Alicia and Ligia Captivated by the Lecture

Molding a Thumb Splint

Chillin' @ the Beach!!!
(4th Sequence Undergrads)

Where'd the Bench Go?
(2nd Year Grads)

Here's Lookin' at You Kid

Some of Spring '04

More of Spring '04 Alumni

Chillin' with the books (spring'04)

3rd sequence ladies (spring '05)

say cheeze (Fall '04)

Natalie & Marilyn (Fall '04)'s Dr. Glogoski! (Fall '04)